Be true to yourself

How do you feel when you talk about your pass success and achievements?

People enjoy the reflection on the past success and achievements, and some even exaggerate the results. In fact it is in the human nature to want to be associated with great success, and best position in life. We might find ourselves bragging about our past results, claiming that they were much better than what they were. Such false claims does not contribute to improve performance, but deprive people the opportunity to get help that they most need.

If you pretend to be doing better than you are, your embarrassment becomes great when the reality is revealed. You don’t have to prove to everybody that your family, marriage, school work, or business is doing well. At least be honest to yourself so that your issues can addressed on time.

Don’t exaggerate your results. Don’t pretend to be someone better than who you are. Be true to yourself, for it is honourable to be lifted up from a lower position than to be lowered from a higher position.

Luk 14:10  When you are invited to be a guest, go and sit in the worst place. Then the one who invited you may come and say, “My friend, take a better seat!” You will then be honored in front of all the other guests.

Stay Blessed and Safe. From Simtandile Dlepuma

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