You were created to be closer to God.

Genesis2 v8 “Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed” (NIV)

Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord Savior Jesus Christ

The Garden of Eden was made by GOD specially for human beings. It was full of God’s presence, man walked naked with no fear. This is the place where God was able to see them any time He wanted.
This happened until the serpent paid them a visit. The devil hated the fact that God is able to see human beings anytime He wanted to. He didn’t like to see God using a man the way He could. The serpent then came to deal with this issue as a matter of urgency.

The first person you share your trouble or happiness with, the first person you think of, is the one you are closer to. The place you need to claim today is to go back to the Garden of Eden. Through the blood of Jesus, we are allowed the access to His presence.

Decide today to be found in the place of His honour. Decide today to use the mercy that Christ died for, to go back to the place of transparency with God himself.

Mercy on you.

Linkie Matara.

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