The greatest enemy of success is fear and doubt. Fear and doubts make people to occupy their minds about the worse case scenario. “What will I eat, drink and where will I get money if this thing fails” is the common worry that hold back somebody from venturing into new territory.
Worry is a sign that you do not trust God. The reason you have not done many things you were supposed to do is because you got worried about God not helping you. The scriptures in Hebrews 13:6; Matthew 28:20; Joshua 1:9 and John 2:5 instruct you to be faithful in doing everything the Lord told you to do without worrying. *Don’t allow worry to stop you from doing great things for God, but instead put first his Kingdom and all other things will follow*.
See what Jesus teaches in Matthew 6:25-34 GW (25) “So I tell you to stop worrying about what you will eat, drink, or wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothes? (26) “Look at the birds. They don’t plant, harvest, or gather the harvest into barns. Yet, your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they? (27) “Can any of you add a single hour to your life by worrying? (28) “And why worry about clothes? Notice how the flowers grow in the field. They never work or spin yarn for clothes. (29) But I say that not even Solomon in all his majesty was dressed like one of these flowers. (30) That’s the way God clothes the grass in the field. Today it’s alive, and tomorrow it’s thrown into an incinerator. So how much more will he clothe you people who have so little faith? (31) “Don’t ever worry and say, ‘What are we going to eat?’ or ‘What are we going to drink?’ or ‘What are we going to wear?’ (32) Everyone is concerned about these things, and your heavenly Father certainly knows you need all of them. (33) But first, be concerned about his kingdom and what has his approval. Then all these things will be provided for you. (34)
“So don’t ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
*Put first the Kingdom of God*.
From Simtandile Dlepuma.
Stay blessed.